Chrome Plated Brass. Chrome plated brass pendulum on a chain w/faux
pearl at end, or on a black string. In various shapes, sizes, & styles,
our choice. Pendulum approx. 1" - 2" length. Hold the pearl between
your index finger and your thumb. Tell the pendulum to "show"
you "Yes", the pendulum will then swing the way "Yes"
is. Now ask it to show you "No" and you will see the "No"
motion. Silently ask a yes, or no question to the pendulum, and get your
answer! Can also be used in chakra theraphy and much more!
Clear Quartz Gemstone. Let the qualities of the various gemstones aid
you in your divining by enhancing/complimenting your intention behind the
task. Pendulum approx. 1½" long; 9¼" long overall.
Quartz is for healing, balance energy, clarity, meditation, guidance. Hold
the pearl between your index finger and your thumb. Tell the pendulum to
"show" you "Yes", the pendulum will then swing the way
"Yes" is. Now ask it to show you "No" and you will see
the "No" motion. Silently ask a yes, or no question to the pendulum,
and get your answer! Can also be used in chakra theraphy and much more!
Amethyst Gemstone. Let the qualities of the various gemstones aid you
in your divining by enhancing/complimenting your intention behind the task.
Pendulum approx. 1½" long; 9¼" long overall. Amethyst
is for divine connection, healing, balancing, wisdom, psychic. Hold the
pearl between your index finger and your thumb. Tell the pendulum to "show"
you "Yes", the pendulum will then swing the way "Yes"
is. Now ask it to show you "No" and you will see the "No"
motion. Silently ask a yes, or no question to the pendulum, and get your
answer! Can also be used in chakra theraphy and much more!
Bloodstone Gemstone. Let the qualities of the various gemstones aid
you in your divining by enhancing/complimenting your intention behind the
task. Pendulum approx. 1½" long; 9¼" long overall.
Bloodstone is for higher knowledge, courage, shrinks tumors, gives strength.
Moonstone Gemstone. Let the qualities of the various gemstones aid you
in your divining by enhancing/complimenting your intention behind the task.
Pendulum approx. 1½" long; 9¼" long overall. Moonstone
is the most psyhic enhancing stone on the market. Use this pendulum for
divination, psychism/intuition, lucid dreaming, soulmates and love, astro
sign= Cancer.
Rose Quartz Gemstone. Let the qualities of the various gemstones aid
you in your divining by enhancing/complimenting your intention behind the
task. Pendulum approx. 1½" long; 9¼" long overall.
Rose Quartz the best stone to use when asking about love, romance, soul
mates, or for family issues. Also used for spiritual awakening, healing,
balance, creativity.
Workbook by Schirner, Markus. If you want to heal yourself - or others
- how do you select the best way to go about it? A pendulum can tell you!
Dozens of the most effective therapies and cures in the world are listed
in this unique book, so that your pendulum can point out to you the best
ones to use in every individual case. First, find out how to use the pendulum,
identify its movements, and check its accuracy. Then go on to a series of
detailed charts that list such complementary health and healing techniques
as the chakras; Bach flowers; teas, herbs (including Chinese and Native
American); color therapy; gemstones; meditation; and so much more. If it's
aromatherapy you want to try, the book lists 144 different essential oils
(plus basic oils), with detailed selection charts to pick the ones you'll
need. Every question you might have - from the form in which to use it,
the number of drops recommended, the number of times to use it and when,
and how long the treatment needs to continue - is covered. And that's only
the aromatherapy section! Every person who wants to use the perdulum effectively
- to help and to heal - will find this book the essential resource. Paperback,
94 pages
Guide To The Runes by Peschel, Lisa This ancient oracular practice
has been rediscovered in the twentith century as we try to simplify our
complicated existence. A Practical Guide to the Runes provides in a concise
manner: *Complete descriptions of the 25 runes in divination *Four rune
layouts *Istructions for making runes and accessories *Meanings and uses
of the runes in Magick *Step-by-step guidelines in carving runes and creating
talismans *Charging of talismans *Differences between bindrunes and runescripts
Take charge of your life to make the choices and changes you desire. Paperback,
169 pages. Highly Recommended!
Rune Glass Set, Black. Rune set consisting of of 25 polished, convex
black glass pebbles (flat on the back side, curved on the front), handcrafted
with etched, gold-painted rune symbols. Black is opaque. Runes approx. ½"
- ¾" diam. Instructions not included.
Glass Set, Cobalt Blue. Rune set consisting of of 25 polished, convex
cobalt blue glass pebbles (flat on the back side, curved on the front),
handcrafted with etched, gold-painted rune symbols. Cobalt blue is semi-opaque.
Runes approx. ½" - ¾" diam. Instructions not included.
Rune Set. Rune set consisting of of 25 tumbled, polished moonstones
handcrafted with engraved, gold-painted lettering. Moonstone is the stone
all the best psychics use to get intouch with their intuition. These are
very powerful tools.
Bone Rune Set. Engraved 25 piece polished rune set, made from animal
bone. This is a rare rune set and can take a few days longer to ship.
Hard to find item, perfect for any rune caster! . Pieces approx. 3/8"
Runes. This poster includes a visual depcition and explaination of all
25 runes. This quick chart can having you reading your friends, or your
own runes in no time flat!
of the Runes (25 Card Deck) by Voenix The most ancient of the Germanic
peoples' magical written symbols offer us deep insight into the hidden
structures of the cosmos and the secrets if the human psyche. Includes
25 cards and instructions. 3 3/4" by 5 1/2".
To Make & Use Magic Mirror by Tyson, Donald Awaken the ancient
art of scrying through the most powerful black mirror ever designed. Its
forbidding apearance has given it an unwarrented sinister reputation and
even today the magic mirror remains mysterious and unknown in occult circles.
Discover through making and using this potent tool the true definition
of magic. How to Make and Use a Magic Mirror is a doorway to astral travel,
spirit communication and the art of projecting one's will over great distances.
The only complete guide to making and using a black mirror. This book
contains a comprehensive history of magic mirrors from the time of the
ancient Greeks to the present. This book is a must for the developing
magician. Paperback, 133 pages
Enhancer (2"sq) Learn a different sort of mind skill, if scrying
is not your favorite! Develop your psychic energy, & your ability
to focus & send it. Instructions included for using this carefully
balanced, light-weight instrument to increase your telekinetic skills.
Kit contains 1¾" diam. metal pentacle base, 1 5/8" pin,
& approx. 2" sq. aluminum rotor.
Bowl: black stone, 3" dia. Scrying is the art of foretelling
the future or the unknown by looking into an object. The ancient Greeks
& Nostradamus used scrying bowls filled with water in which to gaze
& obtain their prophecies. Our black stone bowl is perfect for scrying.
3" diam.,2" deep.
Bowl: black stone, 6" dia. Scrying is the art of foretelling
the future or the unknown by looking into an object. The ancient Greeks
& Nostradamus used scrying bowls filled with water in which to gaze
& obtain their prophecies. Our black stone bowl is perfect for scrying.
6" diam.,1½" deep.
Mirror: black 9" dia. Scrying is the art of foretelling the future
or the unknown by looking into an object. Our black scrying mirrors come
with a beaded pewter edging & are perfect for scrying. Approx. 9"
Ball 60mm with Crystal Stand: Lovely, petite 60mm size crystal ball
(2.25" diam) with a glass crystal stand. The clear stand is 1-3/8"
sq. x 1-3/8" high. Comes in a cloth covered & lined storage box.
Excellent value! Limited quantities.
Ball 110mm with Crystal Stand Beautiful 110mm size crystal ball (4.25"
diam.) with glass crystal stand. The clear pyramid stand is 2¼"
sq. at the base & 1½" high. Comes in a cloth covered &
lined storage box. An excellent value! Limited quantities.
Ball Gazing by Silbey, Uma Crystal balls can be used for far more than
telling fortunes, as crystal expert Uma Silbey explains in this unique,
step-by-step guide. From choosing the right ball to protecting it when not
in use, Silbey shows you the myriad ways you can tap into this special -
and beautiful - form of practical spirituality: *The Right Ball: How to
choose among the many different - natural quartz, smoky quartz, rose quartz,
amethyst, and many others - depending on your specific needs. You can even
use them in combination! *Everyday Applications: How to reduce stress, make
decisions, solve problems, enhance creativity, promote healing, find lost
objects, send and recieve messages, and more. *The Fine Art of Interpretations:
How to recognize and read symbols, ask questions and "see" clearly.
*Doorways to Others Worlds: How to read the past and the future, go astral
and time traveling, even meet spirit guides and angels! Above all, Silbey
shows you how to keep your feet on the ground, reminding you that the crystal
ball in fact reveals wisdom that you already possess. Paperback, 174 pages
Guide to Divination by Hall, Judy. Divination is ascertaining the future
through insight or intuition. Divination tools provide a focus for extrasensory
perception. The images used are archetypes, evocative symbols that speak
to the intuitive mind. This wonderfully illustrated book is loaded with
information on the various types of divination & the ways to use them.
It features not only general information on divination, but also highlights
several of the more popular forms of divination, ancient & modern including
Mah Jonng, The Tarot, The Eye of Horus & Numerology. Guidance is here,
whether you want to know the celestial forces youre under or are looking
to expand your creativity. Oversized softcover, 128 pgs.