& Other Qabalistic Writing Crowley, Aleister. This collection of
Qabalistic texts is without parallel in the history of mystical literature.
Edited & introduced by Dr. Israel Regardie, the three texts included
are Gematria, Sepher Sephiroth, & 777. Gematria, reprinted from "The
Temple of Solomon the King," The Equinox, Vol. 1, No. 5. provides essential
explanations of the oretical & practical Qabalistic number analysis
& philosophy. "An Essay in Number," also included, provides
invaluable insights into key numbers as well as techniques & safeguards
for practical magical work. Sepher Sephiroth is a unique dictionary listing
hundreds of Hebrew words arranged by numerical value. It was compiled jointly
by Crowley and Allan Bennett & first appeared in The Equinox, Vol. 1,
No. 8. 777 itself contains, in concise tabulated form, an overview of the
symbolism of the major world religions, as well as the system of correspondence
of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In short, this is a complete magical
& philosophical dictionary -- a key to all religion & practical
occultism; an amazing work whose value has been recognized through many
editions since its first appearance in 1909 & subsequent enlargement
in 1955.
the Mage by Mathers/MacGregor. The magical system of Abramelin the Mage
is known from a unique 15th century manuscript preserved in the Bibliotheque
de l'Arsenal in Paris. In it, Abraham of Wurzburg, a cabalist & connoisseur
of magics, describes a tour that he made of the then civilized world, visiting
sorcerers, magicians & cabalists, estimating their powers & virtues.
This quest is in itself as fascinating as the similar tours of Gurdjieff.
The high point of Abraham's travels was found in a small town on the banks
of the Nile, where he encountered the great magician Abramelin, whose complete
system of magic Abraham sets out in detail. What resulted is a complete
course in ceremonial magic (both white & black), which the student can
pursue on their own. 268 pgs.
of Occultism by Forune, Dion. In this book the author discusses evocative
magic, the sites of Druid worship, parallels between Christianity &
the Qabalah, the astral plane, auras, spiritual healing, power cycles, &
our relationship with the Higher Self. Nine different aspects of occultism
are illuminated by Fortunes wisdom & insight: God & the Gods,
Sacred Centres, Christianity & Reincarnation, The Astral Plane, The
Worship of Isis, Some Helps to Meditation, Teachings Concerning the Aura,
Pitfalls of Spiritual Healing, & Power Tides & Cycles. This revised
edition includes a new introduction by Gareth Knight, an additional essay
by Fortune -- The Myth of the Round Table -- & an index. People familiar
with the authors work will love this book! Softcover, 94 pgs.
Four by Aleister Crowley. Book Four, Parts I and II, Together with Magick
in Theory and Practice (Part III of Book Four), make up a complete course
in Magick, with practical instruction in Yoga and mysticism. This book is
the introduction and foundation upon which all further magical work will
be based. Its simplicity, clarity and depth is without equal in occult literature.
Part I of Book Four deals with Yoga in a very sound and methodical manner,
stripping it of the mysterious and the glitter. Soberly, Crowley describes
each step as a technique of mental and/or physical discipline, ultimately
resulting in complete control of the will and with this, control of the
physical and mental body. Part II is an encyclopedia of magical symbolism.
All of the paraphernalia employed in ritual magick are carefully explained
in both psychological and mystical terms. Crowley speaks with authority.
He is one of the few writers on the subjects of yoga and magick who has
attained Dhyana and Conversation with his Holy Guardian Angel through discipline
and ritual practices. The laws and truths of the occult world which are
presented here give the student on the path a sound working knowledge. Book
Four is a concise, direct and honest presentation. 125 pages.
Of The Law by Crowley, Aleister. The Book of the Law is also know as
LIBER AL vel LEGIS sub figura CCXX as delivered by XCIII =48 to DCLXVI.
It is a book dictated over the course of three days in 1904 in egypt. The
author called himself a messenger of the forces that rule this earth as
present. Including the facimile of the original manuscript. fifty pages
long excluding the facimile the book is a small red softcover
Of Lies by Crowley, Aleister. The Book of Lies was first published in
1913 but reprinted with an additional commentary at the end of each chapter
in 1952. Aleister Crowley wrote ninty one different chapters in this book,
some are no longer than a word or as long as two pages, bring to the reader
the thought and value of Crowley to interpretate on their own. Many chapters
are written in a poetic form though every page is written with Qabalistic
significance. Best of all, hidden within the book is the symbolism of freemasonry
as well as many other traditions symbols. Paperback, 196 pages
of Thoth (v3 #5) by Crowley, Aleister. The Thoth Tarot Deck (or "Crowley
Deck" as it is more widely known) is one of the most popular decks
in current use. It is also one of the most original interpretations of the
tarot, incorporating astrological, numerological, & Qabalistic symbolism.
While there are many other useful guides to this famous tarot deck, there
are no others which explain the deck in its creators own words. This
book has been used for many years by students of the occult for study of
the tarot & as a key to all Western mystery traditions. As such, this
book is on the short list of must have textbooks for modern students of
the tarot & esoteric studies. Softcover, 287 pgs.
Book of Spells, Ceremo & Magic by Gonzalez-Wippler. A comprehensive
reference book for all the major branches of magic. Part 1 is general introduction
to the theory of magic, what it is, and how it works. Including a brief
history of the craft, and a look at some of its most famous practitioners.
Part 2 looks at the practice of magic and includes ceremonies and rites
from all over the world. Part 3 contains actual spells used by carious cultures
for such things as love, wealth victory, and wealth. This manual makes for
a nice addition to the library of anyone interested in the theory, or practice
of traditional magic.
with Dragons by Conway, D.J. Dragons do exist! The powerful and magickal
life forces we call dragons actually inhabit the astral plane - and you
can call on the legendary wisdom of these mythical creatures for increased
spiritual fulfillment, knowledge, health, and happiness. Here, in this complete
ritual text, you will find practical information for working with dragons:
spells and rituals ranging from simple to advanced workings; calling and
befriending dragons and utilizing their knowledge; designing ritual tools
to aid you in using dragon energy; channeling power using the lines of dragon's
breath (energy lines that run through the Earth); and using the true language
of dragons in ritual and spell-casting with herbs, oils, stones, and candles.
Dancing with dragons is a joyful experience. Paperback, 285 pages
V1, Numbers 1-10 (HC) by Crowley, Aleister A compendium of Crowley's
works, essays, poems, & magickal instructions. In all the history of
occultism, The Equinox is unique. Nothing has ever appeared to rival it
in quantity, quality or diversity. This complete & unabridged two-volume
special edition is a facsimile of The Equinox Volume I, Numbers 1-10, originally
published in London, March 1909 to September 1913. This gorgeous 7"
x 9½" slipcased set is hardbound in beautiful white linen with
gold leaf & very fine acid-free paper. Contains illustrations in color
& black/white, black & white line drawings, & photographs. A
lifetime gift for the Crowley student who is truly a student.
Orders by Forune, Dion. People have been interested in secret traditions
since the beginning of time. Fraternal brotherhoods & sisterhoods, &
secret orders of varying degrees exist in every country, race & religion.
Here the author gets to the root of exactly what esoteric orders are. Topics
include: Esotericism, Occultism & Mysticism; The Origin of the Mysteries;
The Paths of the Western Tradition; The Evolution & Function of the
Masters; The Right & Left Hand Paths; & The Use & Power of Ritual.
This book removes the shroud of mystery & fear from esotericism, &
makes the Western Mystery Tradition accessible to anyone who has ever been
curious about this fascinating spiritual path. Revised edition contains
a new foreword by Gareth Knight & an index. Softcover, 147 pgs.
the Kabbalah by Cicero. Explore a dramatic new approach to personal
spiritual development. While the Kabbalah has long been at the heart of
Western ceremonial magic, many prospective students are unaware of the beauty
and wisdom contained within this age-old system of meditation and ritual
magic. Experiencing the Kabbalah is a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use beginner's
guide that emphasizes learning basic Kabbalistic concepts through personal,
hands-on experience. The exercises and ritual drama engage your creativity
and imagination while forming tha basis of a daily practice for increasing
your own psychic abilities. Paperback, 244 pages
in the Triangle by Regardie, Israel. Aleister Crowley, considered the
greatest Magus of the 20th Century, redefined the very basis of the Western
Esoteric Tradition. Whether acknowledged or not, he is the father of the
modern arts of ceremonial magick, western tantra, tarot, & wicca. In
1928, at the age of 53, Crowley was living in Paris when the author, a 21
year old disciple, nervously presented himself to become Crowleys
personal secretary. Thus began the most significant relationship of the
authors life. Although they were to have a bitter parting some time
later, this experience caused Israel Regardie to devote his next five decades
to spreading Crowleys message & tending the flame of his memory
-- at a time when that was an unpopular, unrewarding, & lonely task.
This book provides an accurate, humorous & brilliantly insightful look
into the man whom many still regard as the Wickedest Man in the World. Fasten
your seat belts & get ready to enter the magical world of Aleister Crowley
as seen through the eyes of Israel Regardie. Softcover, 517 pgs.
Cabalistic Ency. by Godwin, David Godwin's is the sourcebook for magicians,
scholars, cabalists and scientists of all disiplines becuase it contains
listing for every possible cabalstic and gematria association, aspect, correspondance
or application one may ever meet on the cosmic commutation. This third and
enlarged edition features the traditional compilation of essential material
and a plethora of new information you will not want to be without. *The
Many Names of God *Numerous Angels *The Spirits of the Goetia *The Shem
ha-Mephorash *The Correspondances of the 32 Paths *The Sinsiter Tunnels
of Set *A Guide to Hebrew Pronunciation *A Complete Edition of Aleister
Crowley's Sepher Sephiroth *and much more Paperback, 660 pages, plus the
Sepher Sephiroth
Lesser Key of Solomon by Liddell/Mathers. Since classical Greece, Goetia
has meant "low" magic as distinct from the high magic of theurgy.
It is "applied" rather than "pure" magic, addressing
practical human concerns - from obtaining advancement and wealth to finding
love and knowledge. The manuscripts from which this edition was prepared
circulated in the spiritual underground of Baroque England. They were written
in the English vernacular rather than the Latin of the scholars, further
evidence of the popular character of this grimoire. It is a manual of Solomonic
astrological sorcery that gives detailed instruction for the ritual precautions,
requisites and incantations necessary to invoke the aid of its 72 spirits,
which are described in detail. Paperback, 134 pages .
To Make & Use Magic Mirror by Tyson, Donald Awaken the ancient art
of scrying through the most powerful black mirror ever designed. Its forbidding
apearance has given it an unwarrented sinister reputation and even today
the magic mirror remains mysterious and unknown in occult circles. Discover
through making and using this potent tool the true definition of magic.
How to Make and Use a Magic Mirror is a doorway to astral travel, spirit
communication and the art of projecting one's will over great distances.
The only complete guide to making and using a black mirror. This book contains
a comprehensive history of magic mirrors from the time of the ancient Greeks
to the present. This book is a must for the developing magician. Paperback,
133 pages
Goetia by DuQuette/Hyatt. In 1904, Aleister Crowley commissioned, edited,
introduced and released an English translation of The Book of Goetia of
Solomon the King, the first of five magical texts known as the Lemegeton.
Although carious editions have remained in print over the years, relatively
few individuals have actually participated in an evocation of a Goetic Spirit.
Before his death in 1947, Crowley's attitude toward the Goetia appears to
have changed considerably. His masterful expansion and perfection of the
"Preliminary Invocation of the Goetia" is a prime example. But,
perhaps the most significant evidence is that he drastically simplified
the system by the innovative use of the Enochian Calls of John Dee as conjurations.
Now, Christopher Hyatt has joined with occultist Lon Milo DuQuette and artist/magician
David P. Wilson to glean extraordinary magical and philosophical treasures
form this most misunderstood subject. Paperback, 236 pages
of Solomon the King by Mathers, S.L. The Key of Solomon is the most
famous, or infamous, of magical textbooks. Although the grimoire is of unknown
origin, MacGregor Mathers, who prepared this edition from seven manuscripts
in the British Museum, believes it was written by King Solomon. The King
instructs his disciples in incantations that summon and master the spirits.
The process of summoning these beings illustrates the extraordinary complexity
of Western ritual magic - choosing a time and place; preliminary prayers;
fasting, fumigations, and preparations; as well as the need for magical
equipment, robes, and trappings. Included in this edition is a new foreword
by R.A. Gilbert, esoteric scholar and antiquarian bookseller. Gilbert highlights
the importance of the Key as a primary source for those interested in Western
ritual magic, as well as the historical background and contemporary magical
contexts of MacGregor Mather's editorial work and commentary. Paperback,
127 pages
Null & Psychonaut by Carroll, Peter. The practice of chaos magic
is clearly outlined by Peter Carroll in this double volume containing Liber
Null and Psychonaut. Liber Null contains a selection of extremely powerful
rituals and exercises for committed occultists who are aware of their own
being. Practical instructions lead the reader through new concepts. Psychonaut
explores a shamanistic relationship to the community, and teaches readers
how to perform magic in a group. Paperback, 214 pages
for Beginners by Brennan, J.H. Tap into the power of the universe with
one of the most potent sources available for beginning practitioners of
magick. Renowned author J.H. Brennan combines personal anecdotes and magickal
theories with excercises and rituals to show you how to: *construct basic
Golden Dawn ritual instruments *dowse for water, gold or ghosts using a
coat hanger *conduct the Banishing Ritual of the Lesser pentagram *assume
a godform *use tattwa symbols, I-Ching hexagrams, and Tarot trumps as astral
doorways *explore the biblical creation myth as it relates to the Tree of
Life Paperback, 308 pages
Book Four, Part 1 (hc) by Crowley, Aleister Aleister. It is his magnun
opus, in which he systematically expounds the mystical and magical theories
and techniques taught in his magical orders. This profusely illustrated
new edition brings together the complete texts of all four parts of Liber
ABA (Book 4) in one volume under the overall title Magick. This edition
incorporates Crowley's own additions, corrections and annotations, and restores
dozens of passages omitted from the first editions. Extensively cross-referenced
and annotated, this edition features over 100 diagrams and photographs,
as well as a glossary, bibliography, and detailed index. Hardcover, 842
of Thelema by Crowley, Aleister. Magick has been called the "Yoga
of the West", and never before has interest in the subject been greater.
Using simple, straightforward language, DuQuette traces the evolution of
modern Ceremonial Magick and painlessly discusses the foundations and intricacies
of Crowley's thought. He then challenges the reader to put this knowledge
into practice by offering initiated commentaries upon Crowley's most popular
and celebrated rituals. The Magick of Thelema is without question the most
unintimidating, amusing and user-friendly guide ot the works of Aleister
Crowley ever written. It is truly A Handbook of the Rituals of Aleister
Crowley and as such is an indispensable addition to every magickal library.
Paperback, 248 pages
The by Barrett, Francis When first published in 1801, The Magus presented
a complete study in the practice of ritual magic. It was compiled by Barrett
from many different occult sources, such as Agrippa's work, the Heptameron,
& various manuscripts of The Key of Solomon, in response to renewed
public interest in magic & the ancient, classic texts. As such, it was
the first readily accessible English translation, or republication, of rare,
long out of print works, & was fundamental for many exploring the Western
magic tradition at the dawn of the Victorian Occult Revival. The Magus is
actually separated into three books combined in one volume. This facsimile
is a photo-reproduction of all three books from the first edition. The five
color plates have been reproduced from the originals using modern methods
for color accuracy not achieved in previous reprints. A renowned & often
referenced classic of the Western Mystery Tradition, it remains a useful
foundation for the study & practice of magic. 373 pgs.
Without Tears by Crowley, Aleister. In 1943 Aleister Crowley initiated
a circle of correspondence by way of magickal training for a number of his
students. It eventually resulted in this volume of 80 letters, Crowleys
personal commentary on his own magickal training & insight. This is
no less than a personal encyclopedia of magickal instruction, annotated
by experience & explained in unguarded language. Subjects include: hot
to use the Qabalah as a tool rather than merely a system of reference; the
symbols of magick; etymology & its philosophy; the three major schools
of magick -- white, black, & yellow -- their approach to life &
use of power; hints for meditation & astral projection; the Yi King;
The Book of the Law; the Tarot; Astrology; the importance of talismans,
lamens & pentacles; how to distinguish prophecy from coincidence; &
much more. Softcover, 528 pgs.
Workbook by Savedow, Steve. At last, the definitive beginner's book
of ritual magic and astral projection. In The Magician's Workbook, Steve
Savedow brings together the essential themes of classic occult literature
to provide students with step-by-step, practical guidance for developing
a magical life. Savedow explains the principles of magic and covers important
topics such as meditation, astral projection, Qabalah, tarot, words of power,
the assumption of Godforms, yoga, and more. Details are included for performing
four banishing rituals, four planetary invocations, a daily Eucharist ritual,
and rituals for constructing and charging talismans. Here is the essential
workbook for beginners, and a useful reference for advanced practitioners
who are instructing others in the practice of ritual magic. 262 pages
Magick by Kraig, Donald. The ultimate High Magick Workbook! This book
is one of those rareties that find their ways into publication. It contains
not only information pertinent to the beginner but also the informed advanced
practitioner of High Magick. Mr. Kraig has condensed years of research and
practical information into one book that sublimely and succinctly relates
the practical use of magick into the reader's life. Modern Magick is one
of those books which any serious magician should have on his/her shelf.
Paperback, 592 pages
Sex Magick by Kraig, Donald Deep within you is a center of power so
potent and strong it defies imagination. Now you can learn to control and
direct it at its most intense and explosive - during sexual arousal. Modern
Sex Magick provides safe and precise exercises that prepare you to use the
magickal energy raised during sexual activity, and then it shows you how
to use that energy to create positive changes in your life. *Learn about
little-known erotic areas that can bring you more pleasure than you've ever
experienced! *Increase your psychic powers through intense, physical stimulation
*How daring are you? Will you learn the Forbidden Sex Magicks of the Outsider?
*Discover the secrets of male multiple orgasm and female ejaculation *Revealed
at last - sex magick secrets of the Golden Dawn *Includes articles by four
powerful women sex magicians Paperback, 363 pages
Qabalah by Fortune, Dion. Fortune was one of the first adepts to bring
this "secret tradition" to a wider audience some before her often
only added to the overall mystery by elaborating on obscurity, but her account
is simple, clear and comprehensive. The mystical qabalah works in a profoundly
psychological way, its lessons for the individual are invaluable and this
book is a must for all who feel drawn to know themselves better, so that
their inner and outer worlds may be one. This revised edition includes an
additional chapter of Fortunes original writing, and editorial update for
contemporary readers and a foldout with tree of life diagrams to facilitate
study of the text.
Self-Defense by Fortune, Dion. Hands down the Best book in the subject
of Psychic attack and protection! Anyone who is even thinking about performing
magick should read this book first. Learn how to avoid natural dangers!
After finding herself the subject of an extremely powerful psychic attack,
Dion Fortune decided to share practical information on various methods of
psychic defense, and how to safeguard yourself against paranormal malevolence.
Paperback, 215 pages
Use of Magical Tools by Cicero. In the everyday world, having the right
tools to do the job at hand is important, but knowing how to use them correctly
is what makes the difference between a mess & a masterpiece. It is the
same in the world of magic, & the long-term results can be a lot more
far-reaching. Learn to: consecrate ritual tools; perform banishing rituals;
invoke the elements; use guided meditations; perform Qabalistic rituals;
divine the future; enact grade-specific ceremonies; use nontraditional implements.
With this book the authors have given the practicing magician the most complete
guide to the use of ritual objects ever available. Whether you are a neophyte
or adept, you will find this richly detailed volume an indispensable resource
for rituals, guided meditations, consecrations, correspondences, & instructions
for the most effective use of these powerful tools of magic. 286 pgs.
Rezial Hemelach by Savedow, Steve. This is the long-awaited, first English
edition of this famous magical text -- a translation from the ancient Hebrew
in the rare & complete 1701 Amsterdam edition. According to Hebrew legend,
the book was presented to Adam in the Garden of Eden, given by the hand
of God, & delivered by the angel Rezial. The myth thus suggests that
this is the first book ever written, & is of direct, divine provenance.
A diverse compendium of ancient Hebrew magical lore, this book was quite
possibly the original source for later traditional literature on angelic
hierarchy, astrology, Qabalah, & Gematria. It could also be a primary
source for many magic & qabalistic books of the Middle Ages. This is
a compilation of five books: "The Book of the Vestment," "The
Book of the Great Rezial," "The Holy Names," "The Book
of the Mysteries," & "The Book of the Signs of the Zodiac."
It also includes material on astronomy, astrology, gematria, & various
magical talismans. In his introduction, Steve Savedow details the history,
bibliographical citations, & lineage of this famous work. The release
of this contemporary English translation is a landmark event for students
of magic & the ancient Hebrew tradition. Softcover, 302 pgs.
Magic by Randolph, Pascal The greatest & most revealing work by
the 19th Century Adept, Pascal Beverly Randolph. He is credited with being
the first overt spokesman in the west for the ancient sexual gnosis, hidden
for centuries in many layers of symbolism. By means of this book & personal
instruction, he taught this knowledge to the members of his Brotherhood
of Eulis, & was a powerful influence on the founders of both the Golden
Dawn & the O.T.O., & many other occultists throughout Europe &
America. Shrouded in mystery, his work is finally available in English.
Sensitively translated, with an excellent biographical sketch by Robert
North, this is one of the most important publishing events in the magickal
literature of this decade. 142 pgs.
Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa, Henry The Three Books of Occult
Philosphy's vast store of magical lore has been so influential that occultists
have been drawing upon it for the past five centuries. This classic work
was first published in 1531, and translated into English in 1651, but it
has never since been reprinted in its entirety. Now - for the first time
in 500 years - editor Donld Tyson presents these works as Agrippa intended
them to appear: wholly complete and free from the hundreds of errors made
in the original translation. As well as providing extensive insight into
the foundations of Western Esoteric tradition, the Three Books of Occult
Philosophy is the ultimate "how-to" for magical workings. It describes
how to work all manner of divinations, natural and ceremonial magic in such
clear and useful detail that it is still the guide for modern techniques.
Paperback, 708 pages, as well as almost 150 pages of appendixes
& Work of an Initiate by Fortune, Dion. Here the author indicates
the broad outlines & underlying principles of occult systems, illuminating
an obscure & greatly misunderstood aspect of the path. You will discover
how initiates prepare body, mind, & spirit for the challenging journey
that is the esoteric path, what the path of initiation looks like, &
what it is to be called to this work. The book is filled with accessible
information, presented in a way so that anyone can glean something from
it. Learn about the old ways and how to adapt them into the here and now.
This revised edition contains a new foreword by Gareth Knight & an index.
Softcover, 133 pgs.
of Ecstasy, Sexual Magic by Ashcroft. In this book, a practicing ritual
magician presents the history of sexual magic, from its sacred beginnings
in ancient times to its current usage by modern occultists. Discover why
sex and religion are inextricably linked, when women lost their power in
the world and how they can regain it, and how sexual energies can be used
for self-healing. Also provided are eleven sexual magic rituals based on
the spheres of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. These rituals will help you
to to use the sexual experience in a balanced, harmonious, and reverent
way. Each is an act of worship symbolizing the spiraling ascent toward the
perfect union of male and female. The Tree of Ecstasy is a responsible working
manual for anyone who wants to explore the practice of sexual magic for
themselves and those they love. Paperback, 247 pages
& the Voice V4 #2 (HC) by Crowley, Aleister. Liber 418, The Vision
and the Voice is the record of Aleister Crowley's exploration of the 30
AEthyrs of the Enochian system of magick developed by the Elizabethan magicians
Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly. Unlike other available editions of The Vision
and the Voice, this volume includes Crowley's extensive and illuminating
commentary. This collection features several works that complement "The
Vision and the Voice" giving details of Crowley's other advanced initiations
and magical workings including Liber 325, the Bartzabel working, Liber 60,
the Ab-ul-diz Working, and Liber 415, The Paris Working, which includes
The Holy Hymns to the Great Gods of Heaven. This book collects the diaries
of Aleister Crowley for 1909-1914 in one volume. Hard cover, 430 pages
is Occultism? by Fortune, Dion. First published in 1929, this volume
is as useful & pertinent now as it was then. Fortune offers the reader
an in-depth look at what occultism can be to the rational & well-trained
practitioner. She explains how occultism moves a step beyond both physical
sciences & psychology, allowing the seeker to be guided by rational,
measured investigation of psychic experience. Her discussion of the left-hand
path, psychic pathologies, & mental trespassing are invaluable knowledge
for the reader who is beginning a personal exploration of the occult. This
book reveals the heart of occult ethics & ideals: occult discipline
leads to spiritually & ethically healthier lives. It is a must
read for students of the Western Mystery Tradition. Softcover, 199 pgs.