"ASK A WITCH" Archives
Although I have had this web page since 1996, the archives began in Feb. of 99. Listed Most recent First!
November 2000
Dear Reverend Banshee,
I have a short question, but I can't seem to find the answer.
I thought you could help! What is "SKYCLAD" (sp?) and how does one
do it?
Thank You
Greetings ,
Ah good old skyclad. I guess you could also call it being in
your birthday suit! Sky clad means clad (adorned) by the sky (nothing but
air). Many Dianic and Gardenarian covens require all be skyclad at major rituals.
"Ye shall be naked in your rites" is a quote from "Aradia:
Gospel of the Witches" (a popular book which has just been revised).
Of course stripping off all your clothes for the Goddess is a personal choice.
If it makes you feel uncomfortable (and it does so for many!) don't do it.
Steer clear of those covens which require it. If a high priest is telling
you to bare your soul for his simple pleasure, leave and don't look back (I
think Kali-Ma would have a ball with him:).Most people I know do a little
skyclad at festivals, and in the home. Thanks for the question.
November 00
Dear Rev. Banshee,
I have just started my path of Wicca. There are so many books, Tarot cards
and things out there that it's confusing! There is also a lot of information
on the web, and some of it seems to contradict others. How do I know if
I am a Celtic witch, or Druid, or any of that? Who is my Goddess? Please
Tina Partick (Gemini/1972)
Hi Tina,
Great questions, yet I cannot answer them all for you. My coven uses "The
Complete Book of Witchcraft" by Raymond Buckland. This is the best "Wicca
101" book on the market today. It is set up like a workbook, with questions
at the end of each chapter. So start off with that book. The best beginners
deck include "Robin Wood", "Universal Waite" and "Handson Roberts". It is
true there is a lot of info on the web! Half of it is questionable at best.
After you have read through Bucklands book you should be able to better
discern the wheat from the shaffs. As far as finding your path and your
Goddess this is a process that you will be guided through, by your own intuition
and the Gods themselves. You can get all these items at this store The
Occult Shop.
Many Blessings,
Rev. Banshee
Dear Reverend Banshee,
I am female, birthdate Feb 16, 1968. I have been having dreams of sharks
and deep waters. They are emotionally overwhelming, and fritening. There
is usually only one shark and he is the size of a whale. His eyes are cold
and dead. Major changes in the past year include breaking up with my fiancee
and moving to a new home. Can you help me?
Lady Serif
First lets talk about dolphins. In dreams dolphins are ourselves expressing
love freely. They are playful creatures, full of joy. Quite the opposite
would be the shark who is symbolized in your dreams. They are hunters, predators,
and as you pointed out with the dead eyes, they are emotionaless. The total
void of emotional attachment leads us to the feeling that they are alien
and have nothing "human" about them.
Since only we can interpret our own dreams, I will attempt an educated guess.
Breaking up with your fiancee and possibly the move as well has thrown you
back into the cold cruel world. Among new people (aliens) you feel lost
and possibly a little less self confident. There is some emotional healing
and self love work to be done here. Getting to re-know yourself. I suggest
meditation, and doing very nice things for yourself. Now that you are "free"
what can you do now that you could not do before? Would you like to join
a Gym, a card club, take a course? Explore your ideas! This can be exciting.
The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing. Yet don't let it happen. Pull
yourself up and move forward, heal and above all love yourself!
Rev. Banshee
Dear Reverend Banshee,
I don't know if you would consider me a possible witch or not ,but I've always
been able to sense things about people,or situations ,the most memorable situation
was when my sons were1 and 6 yrs old and I felt like my husband was having
an affair. I drove to a motel, and just somehow knew he had been there. When
I asked him about it, to make a long story short , it was the motel,and he
had been there. I never told him how I knew. I feel when my boys are sneaking
or lying to me ,which drives them nuts.
By the way I did not leave my husband, I felt we had things to work on rather
than ending the relationship, that was 18 yrs ago. I'm feeling a strong need
to do more, like maybe learn more. I almost feel the need to see more (not
actually seeing with sight)
I never thought much about witchcraft,but when I got this overwhelming urg
to buy a computer, this is one of the first things I stumbled into.
I guess my question is what do you think ,and what direction do I turn now.
I'm really not into most of the so-called witchcraft I've found so far. Seems
to be more like kid stuff you watch on TV. Your comments and direction will
be greatly appreciated .
Thank You,
Greetings ,
The first thing to know about "Witchcraft" is that it is a Religion. The title
is "Wicca" and it is recognised by the US Government. We are not a bunch of
kids playing "light the candle and kill the neighbor". Not that you where
emplying this, I just wanted it to clear it up.
Being psychic does not mean you have to follow the Wiccan religion. We are
one of the few religions out there that actually accept psychic phenominon,
and encourage it. But you should question yourself, "Am I a spiritual person?
Do I want to take on a religion?"
Once you have answered that, and still feel as if you want to explore Wicca,
then read, read, read! There are many books here
with reviews. If you want to "see" more, read up on meditation. The best windex
for your third eye is a connection with "God(dess)". Having a spiritual connection
is the most importaint thing in life. I find it hard to describe my connection.
All I can say is I feel uplifted and empowered everyday. I live in joy, and
when I feel a bit blue, meditation, and feeling loved by the universe does
Many Blessings to you,
I am a solitary looking for a coven. I have heard many bad things about covens, and am not sure what to watch out for. Do I have to start my own to be safe? Are all groups the same?
Kim Bear
Greetings Kim,
A great book to start with is "Coven Craft" by Amber K. It has all the info about looking for a coven, or even starting your own. Most Priestess and Priestesses have been initiated by a coven. This can be good or bad depending on who initiated them. If the coven was dysfuntional more than likey so will the next one be! It is so importaint with all the new people getting into the craft that we get SAIN! If anyone asks you to do anything (ANYTHING) you are uncomfortable with say no. If they insist... leave. You don't have to be naked to be a witch, nor do you have to have sex. You may be required to be blind folded or go swimming or something at a later time, but not at first. Listen to your intuition and look at their lifestyles, hey look at your own too :).
Rev. Banshee
DEC 99
So what of the new years craziness??
Ahh fiddle faddle, not this year sweety!
NOV. 99
Dear Banshee,
I am always seeing shadows and things out of the corner of my eyes. This happens mostly at night, when I am more sleepy. But I see shapes in shadow, and have for years. Sometimes I think I can hear them as well. Recently I moved into an old house, and it seems I see they everywhere. I am not really afraid anymore, just curious why they are here. My daughter sees them as well, and wants them to go away. What can I do?
Most of us unwilling house a ghostie or two. Some are recorded images, re-playing and others are actual spirits. They can be spirit guides, or dead people. I live at the intersection of two graveyards, on top of my occult store. I have seen many odd things! I would suggest you learn the "Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram" which is on the "SPell Craft" page. Also it is in the book Modern Magick which you can buy here. This will get rid of most anything. Do this in your childs room as soon as possible. Also hang an apple, with whole cloves punched in it above your main door. When it looks rotted, replace it with another one. Seeing things is normal, even talking with them. But if a child is scared best to deal with the situation quickly. Also pick up "How to meet and work with Spirit Guides" by Ted Andrews!
As the crow flies,
Greetings ,
I'm not sure what you mean by "candle meditation".
If you are talking about having him join you in your workings, here is my
advice. Not everyone is visual, nor spiritual. A meditation or spell craft
in general is all about Feeling. If he does not feel it, there isn't much
you can do. Being Agnostic, then he needs to see things proven to him, to
know that it is real. He doesn't go on faith. So do something to show him
it is real. Your main objective is to stir his emotions. So he can Feel it.
Just starting at a candle is pretty boring for most. Yet explaining the feelings,
and the openess that he must have may help. Yet if he is a true sceptic it
means he is just afraid to feel it.
I would also suggest you do a little spell of your own. A spell to attract
someone (non specific) who is emotionally open. Someone who is ready to experiance
what you have to offer. If this man is right for you, he himself will become
more open. If he isn't then someone else will be knocking at your door. Just
a suggestion.
Many Blessings to you,
May 99
Rev. Banshee, Ever since I can remember I have been different than most people.
My earliest memories include seeing and speaking to *spirits*, I know peoples
intentions just by looking at them and at the age of 8, started talking in foreign
languages without realizing it. Now, coming from an Italian, Catholic family
this was frowned upon. Believe it or not, I knew at age 10 that I was a witch.
I cant explain why or how. I didn't even know what a witch really was at that
age. Well, to get back on track. My parents and the church did a pretty good
job of squashing what I instinctively felt and did. Until a near tragedy in
my life brought me to back to my true path. My question is that I seem to have
a problem with energy *power* fluxes. Sometimes it seems that I feel energy
so strong I could hoot and holler and run around until I explode and other times
I cant feel anything. When my energy is up, I cant ground and when my energy
is low, I cant raise it. I've tried everything I can think of and almost everything
I've come across on the Internet. Is this normal or am I like some kind of freak.
Is there anyway for me to have some kind of *stability* for lack of a better
word. Thanks for your time. Thanks, Rebecca
Greetings Rebecca, I don't know what you have tried so far, so I will make several suggestions. First off I suggest you being a ritual practice of meditation. Done for 15 minutes a day it can truly bring about amazing changes. Also you should being to wear, or carry the stone "Hematite" in conjunction with either a moonstone, or Amethyst. In a ring, necklace or pouch, they can help you as well. Yet remember to cleanse them regularly (every 4-3 days). To protect yourself from others draining your energy try a big Onyx stone. A good scent to wear would be Lavender, or Patchouli. I also suggest you look into the energy healing method of Reiki. Reiki will regulate your energy, and teach you how to use it. It also strengthens your psychic and healing abilities. I am a Reiki Master Teacher, and since I became so, my abilities have really matured. In fact I did not come in contact with my Spirit Guide until I had Reiki. Many Blessings to you, Banshee
Feb. 99
Rev. Banshee,
I have had many psychic experiences in my life. For example... a girl approached
me in school depressed. I did not know her but I knew somehow she was planning
to take her life. I gave her some friendly advise and we shared a song. I then
told her that what she was thinking was not a solution. When she asked how I
knew of course I could not explain but I made a friend she later told me that
I stopped her or what I had said stopped her from committing suicide.
My mother lost earrings in the yard, black hills gold earrings, I went to bed
and dreamed of how and where to find them my mother came home from work just
to see if the dream was correct and it was. When I went to Nashville to pursue
a career in music my mother bought me an old tour bus Detroit Deasle 4104, for
me and my group to tour with. A crook had stolen it and my mother begged me
to tune in and find it so I did. We stole it back.
I could go on but I wonder if I could learn to develop
this gift better and how to go about it. I want to learn more about Wicca I
have always a desire to learn metaphysical abilities and I love nature and plants
and herbs. The number 13 continually comes up in my life and has some kind of
meaning I need to know why this is so. I was born Oct. 1st 1965 my daughter
13th of November my first home was 1330 lot 330 I could go on.
Greetings Anita,
I do not know why the #13 comes up around you so often. Maybe it's just your
brains way of reminding you that your "special" and have a gift. Cause 13 is
known to be a "spooky" number, ya know?
Have you ever thought of reading for friends just for fun to see what you could
do? Sit down with a friend that won't freak out :) and try to give him/her a
reading. Just take a piece of their jewelry, and hold it in your hand. Close
your eyes, and let the feelings come to you. It's very simple and you'll be
I have found with my own gift I cannot use it correctly or I get drained easily
if I am not active in my spiritual life, my faith Wicca. Especially for beginners
it is most important to use protection. Either pray before you do a reading,
or check out my protection spell in the Spell Craft section of this site. Oh
and also it maybe fun for you to read this new book. It's on the best sellers
list.. "Adventures of a Psychic'" by Sylvia Brown.
Many Blessings to you,
Jan. 99
Rev. Banshee,
I have been reading up on Wicca and spirituality for about a year now. I tend
to gravitate towards Celtic Witta, and very much like D.J. Conway. For years
now I have been struggling with weight issues. Currently I am 30lbs over my
ideal weight, and sometimes it depresses me. Now with the holidays, and the
New Year coming, I want to make some major changes in my appearance. The last
thing I want to do is gain weight due to the Turkey and Dressing! Are there
any herbal products on the market that work? What are some spiritual ways to
get in touch with my body?
Thanks a bunch, Diane
Greetings Diane
Great Question! I too have weight issues, but in the last year I have been winning
the battle. I found this product from my dear friend who lost 50lbs in just
six months. I was wary at first, with the phen phen scare and such. But after
I read the literature, and studied the ingredients I gave them a try. I lost
10lbs in my first week, and have been loosing (winning) ever since. I am not
one for jogging, or aerobics, nor am I a calorie counter. I do know though if
you exercise these products works faster. They have a website,
NCM . Unlike other programs you don't have spend a lot of money either (yay).
Also I suggest you look into something like Tai Chi or Buddhist yoga. It is
best if you can find an instructor, yet if that isn't possible a good video
tape and a couple of
Books should get you moving. Thanks for your interesting question.
Many Blessings to you,