Magic by Valiente, Doreen. A practical treatise revealing the magic
inherent in human life and nature, shows that magic can be for everyone.
Both those who are new to the practice of magic and those with experience
will find it to be delightful reading and an informative handbook for use
in daily life. Tap the magic: *herbs and flowers *amulets and talismans
*water, air, earth, and fire *card reading *numbers and colors *weather
predicting *love relationships *traditional spells *and much more Paperback,
184 pages $11.50
Book Of Living & Dying by Starhawk. Birth, growth, death, and rebirth
are a cycle that forms the underlying order of the universe. This is the
core of Pagan belief - and the heart of this unique resource guide to death
and process of dying. Filled with encourgement, strength, and inspiration,
an invaluable source of both spiritual counsel and very practical tools
and techniques. Death, like birth, is a doorway - another stage in the cycle
of life. It will enhance the spiritual beliefs of readers of any faith and
help each of us learn to welcome the change and renewal that awaits us on
the other side of life. Paperback, 345 pages.
Path by Farrar/Bone. It has often been stated that Paganism is the fastest
growing religion in the world. This books helps to answer why. As a result
of many years of research with pagans throughout the world, the authors
have compiled an extensive work on paganism today. Chapters include: The
Ancient Roots, Healing, The Modern Rebirth, Pagans in the Community, Pagan
Families, God & Goddess Forms, Paganism & Sex, No Place for Satan,
Paganism & Christianity, Magic & Divination, Questions & Answers,
and more. As well as a large section on the results of their worldwide survey
of pagans. Softcover, 241 pgs.
of the Witch by Cabot, Laurie. If you don't read another book on the
Craft, read this one! "Power of the Witch" gives an excellent
overview of this positive spiritual path, going into plenty of depth on
the history, practices, and scientific basis for the Craft and dispelling
the disinformation that has been spread about its followers. Laurie Cabot's
explanations are clear for those with no background in Witchcraft, but are
still fluff-free and chock-full of information for those sincerely seeking
the roots behind this belief system. Paperback, 310 pgs.
Solitary Magic by Watson, Nancy. Many students of magic don't want to
be tied to a particular group or tradition, but prefer to search, experiment,
and grow on their own. Here, at last, is an eminently sane and readable
handbook that gives not only the how, but the why and wherefore, of the
materials and methods of the solitary magician. Oracle divination, numerology,
and magical incantation; visualization, clearing, and prayer; archetypes,
elementals, and god-forms - all come to life with Watson's pragmatic analysis.
She closes with a careful warning to her readers to avoid all those who
would attempt to "re-mystify" the craft. Paperback, 236 pgs.
by McCoy, Edain. Mark the passing of time & honor each season with sacred
ritual & seasonal craftwork, ancient stories & traditional treats.
Create a colorful mask for Samhain, make a honey cake for Imbolg, fashion
a chaplet of flowers for Bealtaine, bake a Brigids Blackberry pie
for Lughnasadh, even accompany your sabbat festivities with music from eight
traditional musical scores -- its easy with this book as your guide.
Softcover, 355 pgs.
of Modern Witchcraft Revealed by Lady Sabrina. This book presents accurate
& useful information on witchcraft as a magickal art or science, not
as something to be feared. It reveals how to conduct ceremonies & rituals
& how to cast spells for love, money, personal success, & renewed
health. It also teaches how to reconnect with nature & the powers of
the universe. In addition to describing the magickal arts, the book provides
practical, hands-on advice about how to make magick work. Softcover, 274
pgs. 12.95
& How They Work by Farrar. The authors discuss the principles underlying
all spells & explain why a successful spell is usually composed of three
elements: intent, visualization, & willpower. The book covers all aspects
of spell-making -- including psychic self-defense, sex magic, cabalistic
magic, & talismans. There is a generous collection of actual spells,
past & present, drawn from history, literature, folklore, old grimoires,
& the 20 years experience of the authors. Spells of love, healing, weather,
& binding combine in this unique addition to the literature on magical
working. Softcover, 191 pgs.
Dance by Starhawk. The 20th anniversary edition celebrates the pivotal
role the book has had in bringing Goddess worship to the religious forefront.
This bestselling classic is both an unparalleled reference on the practices
& philosophies of Witchcraft & a guide to the life-affirming ways
in which readers can turn to the Goddess to deepen their sense of personal
pride, develop their inner power, & integrate mind, body & spirit.
Starhawk's brilliant, comprehensive overview of the growth, suppression,
& modern-day reemergence of Wicca as a Goddess worshipping religion
has left an indelible mark on the feminist spiritual consciousness. Softcover,
326 pgs.
Witch by Silver Ravenwolf, one of today's most popular Wiccan writers,
gives you your own handbook on what it takes and what it means to be a real
Witch - principles of belief, traditions, symbols, holidays, rituals and
more. From vital background information on the Craft to spells for homework
and dating, this book contains everything you need to become a pentacle-wearing,
spell-casting, completely authentic Witch.
Light A Sacred Flame by SilverRavenwolf. Dozens of spiritual and magickal
practices that are grounded in the Divine. Start out by learning the ten
secrets to lighting your own sacred flame, then explore the arts of: *trance
states and suggestions *glamouries *spiritual housecleaning, banishings
and blessings *shrines *elementals *healing circles *solitary, group, family
and master rituals as well as much more. Paperback, 292 pages.
Ride A Silver Broomstick by Silver Ravenwolf. Both the science and religion
of Witchcraft so you can become an active participant while growing at your
own pace. This book is ideal for anyone, regardless of religious background:
male or female, beginners or initiates. This book leads you step-by-step
through the various lessons with exercises and journal writing assignments.
This is the complete Witchcraft 101, and when you are finished with this
course, you can be accepted within most magickal circles as a practicing
Witch, without the political necessity of a title or a degree. Paperback,
282 pages plus 3 appendixes.
Stir A Magick Cauldron by Silver Ravenwolf. Let Silver help you rediscover
the Divine within the Natural world, and teach you the spiritual and magickal
practices needed to enjoy all that the bountiful Universe has to offer.
You'll soon be casting and conjuring, summoning, stirring, and calling.
This indispensable guide is chock-full of Wiccan wisdom, dished out with
Silver's down-to-earth warmth and humor. You'll learn: *cauldron magick
*spiritual balance *grounding *the robe of the stars *invoking Divinity
*casting circles *healing *elemental, herb , Tarot, talismanic and ritual
magic and much. much more! Paperback, 287 pgs.
Magick, Beginner's Guide by Amber K. "Amber K, an experienced practitioner
of Magick. here presents a delightful how-to book on the subject. Her easy-going
style makes it a pleasure to read, yet she covers all the necessary aspects.
She deals mainly with a Wiccan-type magick yet draws many parallels with
other forms such as Amerindian-Shamanism, Huna, Brujeria, and Qabalism.
This is an excellent primer that I have no hesitation in recommending."
-Ray Buckland, Paperback, 220 pages plus 4 appendixes
About Witchcraft Today by Cunningham, Scott. The practice of Wiccan
magic is not evil, it is not supernatural. It is the creation of postive
personal and global change through the natural energies found in each of
us and in the Earth. It is a religion based on harmony with Nature Forces
and all aspects of the Divinity. Cunningham describes: *Folk Magic *The
Goddess Aspect *Using Crystals *Tools of the Witch *Ceremonies *Spells *Herbalism
as well as much more. Paperback, 171 pgs.
Country Wicca by Ryall, Rhiannon. "My reason for writing this book
is because no one from the pre-Gardnerian days has written an account of
the Old Religion of that time. I was taught in the 1940s, before Gerald
Gardner or Alex Sanders had written their books; indeed, I was unaware of
the existence of their writings for many years. I feel now that what I was
taught may be of interest to those involved with present day Wicca, perhaps
simply as a curiosity from long ago, or perhaps with the thought of adopting
some of the rituals of that time." -Rhiannon Ryall. West Country Wicca
is a journal of the Old Religion as lived by Rhiannon Ryall. It includes
recipes, remedies, festivals, rituals and items of interest. Paperback,
91 pgs.
A-Z by Dunwich, Gerina. Explores the fascinating world of Witchcraft,
from ancient legend through present-day Wicca and contemporary Paganism.
No aspect of Wicca is overlooked in this remarkably comprehensive book,
which features well over 500 entries and numerous illustrations. Here are
explanations of all the different traditions, sabbats, and rituals of the
Wiccan spiritual path, as well as Wiccan jargon and folklore, amulets and
talismans, herbs and gemstones. It will be an invaluable addition to any
Wiccan library. Paperback, 195 pgs.
Candle Magick by Dunwich, Gerina Wicca Candle magick reveals the mystical
powers of the candle, which has been used throughout the ages as an indispensable
tool for setting the proper atmosphere for spellcasting, divination, meditation,
banishing darkness, and as a means of communicating with the dead. Section
include sacred candle colors of the gods and goddesses, crystals and gemstones,
Voudoun candle magick, the making of sacred oils for candle blessing rituals,
and an up-to-date alphabetical directory of occult shops and mail order
catalogues. Paperback, 191 pgs.
Covens by Harrow, Judy This book is about covens: what they are and
what they do, how to find one and how to form one, and some of the isues
covens will face. The author offers her twenty years' experience as a Witch
and seventeen years as High Priestess, along with the insights of more than
thirty coven leaders of many difference traditions. The contemorary revival
of Witchcraft is based on coven practice. Witches gather in covens - mutually
commited, closely bonded, small groups of Wiccan Initiates, good friends,
and family by choice - to worship the Old Gods and follow the Old Ways.
Paperback, 280 pgs.
Handbook by Holland, Eileen. The Wicca Handbook is both a tutorial for
new witches and an exceptionally well-organized reference book for experienced
practitioners. It guides us through the first steps in becoming a witch,
explores many Wiccan year - the eight Sabbats - along with many if its rituals
and ceremonies are examined. You will learn about spell casting, sex magic,
and the techniques used to raise power. With so much information, this is
bound to become a dog-eared favorite in any witch's library. Paperback,
282 pgs.
Love Spells by Dunwich, Gerina. Love magick, ancient in origin, has
been practiced for countless centuries on every continent by every culture
in one form or another. Love potions & love spells are two of the most
popular & best-known examples of love magick, but there are many other
aspects as well, including charms, amulets, talismans, herbs, omens, astrology,
palmistry, & the divinary arts, to name just a few. This book is like
no other of its kind. It extends far beyond the limits of traditional love
spells & presents a magickal journey of love from ancient times to modern
times. Softcover, 206 pgs.
Spellbook by Dunwich, Gerina. The Wicca Spellbook is a grimoire of modern
Wiccan magick for both novice and seasoned Witches, solitaries and coveners.
Within the pages of this book you will find the secrets of spellcraft revealed
through easy-to-follow, yet highly powerful, magickal formulas. You will
discover how to use your own powers of will and visualization to achieve
positive results, and you will also learn how to properly make and use amulets,
potions, mojo bags, poppets, and much more. Paperback, 183 pgs.
Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Cunningham, Scott. Here is a
positive, practical introduction to the religion of Wicca. Wicca as it is
today - a gentle, Earth-oriented religion dedicated to the Goddess and God.
Wicca is a book of life, and how to live magically, spiritually, and wholly
attuned with Nature. It is a book of sense and common sense, not only about
Magic, but about religion and some of the most critical issues today. It
presents Wicca honestly and clearly, without the psuedo-history that permeates
other books. It shows that Wicca is a vital, satisfying part of 21st Century
life. Includes the authors Book of Shadows. Softcover, 218 pgs.
For Families by McArthur, Margie. "Margie McArthur's book is exactly
what is required to fulfill the long-standing need for true family traditions.
This is a treasure-trove of ideas for bringing the whole family into the
festivals and magic of the Old Religion with simple but meaningful rites
and spells, plus special foods, good music, seasonal handicrafts and activites."
-Ed Fitch, author of Magic Rites from the Crystal Well Paperback, 253 pgs.
Book of Ceremonies & Rituals by Telesco, Patricia. Written in a
user-friendly manner, this book will make celebrations & events more
meaningful & magickal. It shares the history & folklore surrounding
each ritual or ceremony in the Wiccan Wheel, then gives information on how
to best observe the day with original invocations, prayers, suggested activities,
incense, foods & wines, & appropriate apparel & decor. The information
is presented in a three-part format: basic concepts of Wiccan ritual; the
Wiccan Wheel & major festivals/Sabbats that occur throughout the year;
how to make special celebrations & rites of passage more meaningful
& personal. Softcover, 191 pgs.
Magick by Grimassi, Raven Wiccan Magick fully explains the core teachings
of Wiccan ceremonial magick to help you breathe new life, power and meaning
into your practice. Now you can finally uncover magick's bedrock - the core
principles, philosophy, and inner mechanics - and understand fully its connection
with Wicca's inner mysteries. If you have practiced only folk magick before
now, Wicca Magick will help you take your worings to a deeper, more effective
level. Capture its essence, and the sacred wisdom that lies at the root
of Wicca's inner teachings, with Wiccan Magick. Paperback, 234 pgs.
Warrior by Cuhulain, Kerr In the current Wiccan community, many archetypes
present themselves: Maidens, MOthers, Crones, Healers, Magacians - but rarely
Warriors. Wiccan warrior is the first book to show Pagans how to access
the Warrior archetype within. It demonstrates how to follow a path that
is essentially the Wiccan Rede in action " An' it harm none, do what
thou wilt." Written by a Wiccan police officer and martial artist,
Wiccan Warrior combines personal insights and real-life anecdotes with ritual,
magick, energy work, meditation, self-examination, and self-discipline.
Paperback, 138 pgs.
Web by Telesco/Knight "Do as you will, but spam none," is
the Web Witchs Rede. With over 70 million U.S. households online,
the Internet provides the perfect global forum for communication among Pagans.
This is the first book to combine computer savvy with magical practices
& to embrace the potential of cyberspace as it relates to Pagan spirituality.
Computer wizardry at its unabashedly witchy best, this book introduces online
basics & also offers protective computer charms & file transfer
& recovery spells to keep your system running smoothly. Wiccan Web Netiquette
checklist & a glossary of "Wicca-Speak," the secret Internet
language of witches, as well as listings of online workshops, Pagan chat
rooms, tarot readings, & Web sites offering altar supplies, books on
magic, & much more. Softcover, 176 pgs.
by Savage, Candace. This is the first book to fully trace their wild ride
across the centuries. The witch has always been a figure electric with possibility
&, sometimes, with menace. A legendary shapeshifter, she has recast
her image to fulfill the dreams & nightmares of each passing century.
She is the devouring mother, the vengeful wife, the "possessed"
devil worshipper, the resentful old hag, the high priestess. Yet throughout
her proud & painful history, she has remained shrouded in mystery. In
this intelligent, richly layered & witty text, the author reveals the
many faces of the witch & the changes in her image over the passing
centuries. Fascinating, unsettling, & unexpectedly hopeful, this book
conjures up a horde of intransigent & unforgettable women who, against
all odds, have worked their marvels of resistance & survival. Hardcover,
128 pgs.
Alone by Green, Marian. Many witches do not belong to covens but follow
a different, solo branch of our magical heritage, the path of the story-book
wizard, the wise woman, the hermit, the folk healer, the druid or the shaman.
Working alone, they connect deeply with nature, talk to the trees, follow
the patterns of the sun and moon, and feel the changing energies of the
year's turning cycle.
Beverages & Brews by Telesco, Patricia. Theres little toil,
& no trouble to be found in this tasty book of magickal beverages, plus
it has it all. Better still, you need nothing more than whats in your
refrigerator or on supermarket shelves to whip up the magick to perfection.
No eye of newt anywhere! Alongside the variety of recipes, this book goes
on to share the wonderful heritage of beverage making & consumption
-- how drinks appeared on altars as gifts to the gods, where toasts come
from, & why we pass wine clockwise around the table. All this lore &
superstition combines with modern magickal methods to help you design beverages
that quench both physical & spiritual thirst completely, while tantalizing
your taste buds. Softcover, 221 pgs.
God by Farrar/Farrar Companion volume to The Witches' Goddess, this
important work re-establishes the ancient balance between God and Goddess.
Part I examines the many concepts of Go, including: *His faces throughout
history *the Son/Lover God *the Vegetation God *the War God *the Anti-God
*and more Part II takes a close look at 12 individual gods of history with
an appropriate invoking ritual for each. Part III is a comprehensive dictionary
of over 1000 gods from many world cultures, past and present. Paperback,
257 pgs.
Goddess by Farrar/Farrar This is indeed an important new work by the
Farrars providing an in-depth exploration of the goddess in her many aspects
at a time when Western culture is awakening to the influence of Feminine
Divinity, both individually and collectively. Part I, the myriad faces of
the Goddess revealed, including: *Her presence throughout history *Her Earth
and Moon symbolism *Her Madonna and Magdalene disguises *Her revelation
within the psyche *Her relationship with omen *Her influence today and much
more Part II , ritual invocations of the goddess in 13 guises: *from Ishtar
to Isis *from Hecate to Aphrodite *from Epona to Ma'at Part III, an alphabetical
listing of more than 1,000 Goddesses including a brief history and the main
correspondences of each. Paperback, 295 pgs.
Guide to Faery Folk by McCoy, Edain. A Witch's Guide to Faery Folk tells
you what you need to know in order to establish a strong working relationship
with the faery folk, beginning with faery mythology and faeryland's place
in the astral realm. Once you are grounded in faery lore, you will learn
the best ways and places to find faeries, to identify helpful and dangerous
faery types, and to work rituals and spells in which faeries can participate
- you will even discover ho to create your own thought-form faery beings
to help you perform many tasks. Expand your magickal workings and discover
a new world of enchantment! With the help of the faery realm, you need never
practice solitary magick again. Paperback, 341 pgs.
From The Inside by Buckland, Ray. Experience the real action behind
the scenes as leading Wiccan spokesman Ray Buckland exposes the quiet, powerful
grassroots force behind the growth of Witchcraft in America. Find out why
the "religion of the people" is destined to become the popular
American alternative to Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism! Paperback, 197
A Magickal Journey by Horne, Fiona. Written by a committed, modern Witch
of thirteen years who is also a journalist, rock singer, television &
radio personality this book delves deep into the intimate secrets &
knowhow of the authors spiritual calling. Revealed are the mysteries
of spellcasting & ritual; how to give yourself a magickal makeover in
just seven days; spells for health, beauty, & love; festivals &
sacred sites; details about the Goddesses, Gods & familiars; cyber sorcery
& making the magick on the net; practical tips for effective urban Witchcraft;
& much more. Part reference book, part personal journey, Fiona Hornes
distinctive, hip, funky style makes this volume enlightening, uplifting
& imbued with her infectious, witchy humor. Hardcover, 358 pgs.
Witchcraft Theory & Practice by de Angeles, Ly
The author, an Australian initiated High Priestess for 29 years & an
outspoken advocate of the Craft, has put together a comprehensive manual
that sets forth the tenets of Witchcraft, & explains why & how magic
works. It includes tried & true methods for developing the magical will,
along with religious training, ritual observances, & spellcrafting techniques.
It describes unique practices such as fith-fathing, fetching, shapeshifting
& glamouring. It also offers a guided ritual for self-initiation. All
things come full circle. Reclaim the ancient power that sings within your
blood through sacred ritual to the Earth, Moon, Sun & Stars. Softcover,
256 pgs.
for Tomorrow by Valiente, Doreen. Doreen Valiente and Gerald Gardner
were responsible for bringing Wicca into the twentieth century and, in their
books, provide details based on the original ancient traditions, thus retaining
the magic and vitality of this old religion. Also included is the 'Book
of Shadows' which covers many more formerly secret rites: Casting the Circle;
Initiation; Full Moon Rituals; Sabbat Rites; Spells; Invocation of the Goddess
and the God; Chants and Dances; and much more. Paperback, 194 pgs.
Way: Principles, Rituals, Beliefs by Farrar. This book is an essential
text for any student of the Craft. It is the most comprehensive and revealing
work on the practices, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft since Gerald
Gardner's influential but unpublished 'Book of Shadows' triggered the revival
movement in the 1950s. The Farrars complete the work begun in Eight Sabbats
for Witches. The Witches' Way gives in full the first, second and third
degree initiation rites, the consecration rites, and the many non-ritual
passages of the of the ' Book of Shadows', with detailed notes and comments.
Hardcover, 329 pgs.
Your Own Magic by Webster, Richard Create the life youve always
dreamed about. This book shows you how to use the incredible magical power
of words to make your dreams a reality. This guidebook presents the three
magic steps essential to manifesting exactly what you want, for dreams both
big & small. First, youll learn how to determine your lifes
purpose. Next, find out how to write magic that makes your dreams come true
in six important areas -- physical, spiritual, mental, financial, social,
& intuitive. Softcover, 254 pgs.
Book of Shadows by Telesco, Patricia Whether you're new to Wicca or
an initiate of many years, this is an excellent guide to creating &
maintaining a personal book of spells, divination methods, mystical correspondences,
meditations, visualizations, modes, mediums, & magickal musings. Using
its easy-to-follow workbook format, you'll find out how to make a Book of
Shadows that will be beautiful, meaningful, & functional for many years
to come. More than that, however, this is a completely useful spellbook
in its own right, with excerpts taken form the author's own pages collected
over fifteen years of magickal study, research, & practice. 234 pgs.
Magickal Cat by Dunwich, Gerina. This book is devoted entirely to cats
& the mysterious world that is uniquely theirs. Youll learn how
cats & paganism have been linked together throughout history, &
how the cat has acquired the roles of witchs familiar, deity, omen,
healer, shamanic totem, & dream symbol. Also included is astrology for
cats & their humans, feline divination, hands-on spells, New Age healing
techniques, a list of purr-fect names for your familiar, dozens of cat-oriented
proverbs, sources & resources, & much more. Cat lovers are sure
to be charmed by the legends, lore, poetry, & illustrations within this
loving, extensively researched book. Softcover, 169 pgs.